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Yungatita - 7 Weeks & 3 Days
Bobby Baritone - Abduction and Rejection
Tunng - ABOP
Jakob Ogawa - All Your Love
retrospect - Amtrak
L I P S - Apartment
SASSY 009 - Are You Leaving
Magroove - B Cool (feat. Melanie Faye)
Jon Gengle - Baby B Myn
Karl Fitzgerald - Baby Gurl
Charlotte Fever - Bagatelles
badhead hyland - better
Seafoam - Borderline
Fog Lake - California
Gold & Thorns - Cannonball
Matty - Clear
Jaguar Sun - Cold Wind
Maxwell Cantrell - Come Back To Bed
Evan Wright - Comeback
rin - cory + topanga
Coral Pink - Daydream
Bad Wave - Deeper Down
MUNYA - Des Bisous Partout
mellow fellow - don't you dare
Ditch Days ft. Calcutá - Downtown
Quelle Rox - Dream Daisies
J. Bonigno - Dunham
Westerman - Edison
Andy Burns - Excited
Yuno - Fall In Love
Sam Valdez - Farther Away
V.V. Lightbody - Fig Leaves
The Ophelias - Fog
johnny utah - Folding Like Honey
Phantastic Ferniture - Fuckin 'N' Rollin
Blackaby - Georgie Wants A Garden
Hat & Boots - Ghost
Bear Call - Go Home
Chi Runner - Gravity
Lomelda - Hannah Hannah
Wyatt Smith - Heaven's Gate
JEZ_EBEL - honey (prod. 8ROKEBOY)
Shook - I Will Be There
Dialup Ghost - If You Want To Die
Devon Welsh - I'll Be Your Ladder
Baywaves - I'm Tryna
Kevin Krauter - Keep Falling In Love
Hoshi - Keep That Smile
Dead Sullivan - Kyle
Vinyl Williams - Lansing
Tanukichan - Lazy Love
Say Sue Me - Let it begin
Pleasure Nature - Little Heathen
Makeup Girl - Living Safe
Vansire - Lonely Zone (feat. Mellow Fellow, Ruru & Paul Cherry)
Raymundo - Lost Cause
Video Age - Lover Surreal
Her's - Low Beam
RAIL レール - Luna
Sugar Candy Mountain - Mar-a-Lago
Buck Meek - Maybe
Karl Fitzgerald - Mellotron
Jagger Finn - MIA
Matt Maltese - Misery
Christian Akridge - Moon
Many Voices Speak - Necessaries
Ages and Ages - Needle and Thread
Hypocrite In A Hippy Crypt - Neighborhood Cats
Wildhart - New Beginning
Moon Racer - New Crush
matt maltese - nightclub love
ST. MARTiiNS - No It's All Over
Wild Moccasins - No Muse
Derek Simpson - Nothing
Gus Dapperton - Of Lacking Spectacle
Ugly Boys - Old News
A.C. Freazy - Only One
New Husband - Only You
new body electric - Out of Control
Hungry Lake - Out of Line
Soft Glas - Perks of Being a Sunflower
Regular Spread - Pipe Dreams
Cherophobiac - Prayer Hands
Opaque Ghost - Pretty Gal
Mama Kokomo - Primavera Feel
Garden Party - Real Tapes
Sam Giambalvo - Redo Vocals
Soft Streak - Ride
Being Dead - Rocky Mountain Cowboy Blues
Grant Pavol - see u tn
Leonard The Band - Sex Change
First Beige - Slow
gentle j - Smoking
Dream League Soccer - So I Broke Her Heart
Loud Sun - So Long April
retrospect - Someone To Spend Time With (ft. Firelordmelisa)
Goth Babe - Sometimes
Pampa Folks - Soulrise
Elujay - Starchild
Jon Gengle - Such A Fool
daniel shibuya - summer boredom (solo by maxwell cantrell)
Ben Browning - Sunshine Baby
Grocery - Syrup
Barrie - Tal Uno
Laura Carbone - Tangerine Tree
Wyatt Smith - Tell Me
Ethan Wiggins - The Devil
Virginia Wing - The Second Shift
Tigers in the Sky - These Days
Old S Resort - Thought Bubbles
Kero Kero Bonito - Time Today
RF Shannon - Trickster Blues
MUNYA - Trop Tard
Bucolic - Unconscious Color
runnner - urgent care
Jaguar Purrs - Vampire
The Solarists - Wait For It
Rich Aucoin - Want To Believe
Hales Corner - Welcome
Francobollo - We're Dead
Hala - What Is Love? Tell Me, Is It Easy?
C00ltube - Whatevr
Sales - White Jeans
Ski Boy - Whoozy
Modern Nomad - Why Do You Do This?
Brian in the Heartland - Wild Race
Gyles Bartle - You
Dash Hammerstein - You and Your Boys
Julian Skiboat - You Know
Jerry Paper - Your Cocoon
The Dig - You're Not Alone
Thank You Cream - ばらばら (Pieces)
Mei Ehara - 蓋なしの彼 (Sway)